Sunday 6 February 2011

Jessica Cornish (Jessie J): Brilliant!

So music has absolutely no relation to beauty, health, style and fashion (Well, no obvious relation), but it is in relation to celebrities and my life and interests. Meaning I am able to write a post about Jessica Cornish, (Otherwise known as Jessie J.) without defying the original purpose of my blog. My main reason for wanting to write about her, is not the obvious (She has an amazing voice), but the not so obvious, she isn't like any normal (Well, stereotypical.) celebrity. Why? Jessie, doesn't spend her spare time attending A-List parties (Maybe occasionally), no, she sits in her bathroom (Usually) recording videos of herself singing, then later uploads them to YouTube for her many fans to admire. One of the (Several) videos I have watched of Jessie, singing, she was sat in her bedroom wearing her Prince t-shirt "For inspiration" and her PJ bottoms because she was "Cleaning her room". (I assume this means she still takes orders from her parents and was being extremely rebellious and took a break from tidying her room to go on her laptop! Tut.) Anyway, my point is, Jessie, doesn't take advantage of being famous. She doesn't treat it as something that makes her better than average people. This could well be what makes her so popular. Personally, I feel she is an inspiration and I idolise her.

Be sure to check out her videos!

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